Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Day at Lake and Around the Southeast

Today Casey and I headed over to the Lake Yellowstone area, in the southeast section of the park. Casey hiked Avalanche Peak. Unfortunately, I couldn't join him because my knee was still bothering me. So, while he was out hiking I sat in the Lake Hotel and did some reading. After he was done hiking we had some lunch at the restaurant inside the hotel. Then, we stopped at Mud Volcano thermal area on the way home and walked around the boardwalk loop. The area was full of mud pots, thermal features that spray and gurgle mud instead of water. It was really neat! We also stopped at an overlook with a view of a thermal area across the street from Mud Volcano. Finally, on the way home, we stopped at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone and took in the views from Artist Point. 

Dragon's Mouth Cave

Me and Casey at Dragon's Mouth

Mud Pot

Gurgling muddy spring

Thermal area across the street from Mud Volcano 
(notice the buffalo down there!)

Close up of the buffalo in the thermal area

Stormy clouds along the way

Casey at Artist Point

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